Eyes like a shutter; Mind like a lens.

You don't take a photograph, you make it. 
- Ansel Adams.

I started my journey as a photographer two years ago. It was a way to 'get out of my head', to get me out of the house and out of bed. I discovered photography when I needed it the most, I was at rock bottom and needed help to climb back up, and taking photographs allowed that. I gained an entirely new set of confidence in myself, I started to put my work out there, I was messaging event managers, club owners etc. to get my foot in the Perth night life scene, to meet fellow photographers. 

My journey saved me, it gave me something to strive for, something to achieve, something to be good at, something my mental health couldn't ruin with over thinking, self doubt and self put downs.

But I haven't walked this alone, shortly after I had decided to make photography a career my mum bought herself a camera and this year my fiancé bought a camera. I have been able to watch them grow their techniques, I have been able to help guide them and teach them, I have been able to watch there creative eye's grow. I have been able to share my love and passion with the people that are most important to me. 

The sharing was most evident at the Super moon. We went to Lesmurdie falls, had dinner and waited around for the moon to rise. My family, standing there with there bags, tripods and cameras at the ready. For me this was a sight better than the super moon, my passion for something has brought my family together, has kept us going during the hard times and provides us with extreme joy.

The only thing better than being in that moment, is coming home and seeing everyone else's imagery. A previous post, "It's all in the eye's" will give some insight as to why.  The same location, same concept, same object; yet three completely different sets of imagery. 

Photography is a beautiful thing. 

Can't you tell I was pre occupied with my family rather than the moon 💁



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