
Today is Nick and Helens one year wedding anniversary, (eeep congratulations). 
You are probably wondering why is this important to me? Well there a many reason why these two beautiful people are important; but not to get mushy these two were very important in my wedding photography career, if it weren't for Nick and Helen I wouldn't be wedding photographer.  Bit of a bombshell, but it is the truth. 

When I was asked to be Nick and Helens second wedding photographer, I barely knew the couple. I had met them through mutual friends and we had hung out a few times. As their big day drew closer, we had become closer. They were our peanut butter to our jelly, we now house share to say the least.

Before I photographed Nick and Helens wedding, I had photographed only one wedding before hand; it wasn't the most pleasant experience of my life, I under charged, worked inconsiderable hours and was harassed. To say the least, I was rather set on never working a wedding again. They are stressful and from my first experience, it wasn't enjoyable. But of course I had 
made an agreement with Helen and Nick, 
which I believed I must stick to.

The Day arrived, It was nerve racking working for friends, so many worries about me or my equipment failing. Though, of course I was completely wrong. The day was a breeze, the weather, company and all around vibes of the wedding was magnificent. It really changed my mind on what it was like to work a wedding. 

"Choose a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life" 

This concept didn't arrive until after I had photographed, edited and handed over these images. I was a full time uni student coming into the final weeks of my semester and editing these wedding photo's never felt like a job, I never felt tired of it or bored, if anything all I wanted to do was play with them. 

Every detail put into a wedding, every family member who helped, every guest who still is supporting them. It is a beautiful thing, and I was there, to capture it. To capture that emotion, that atmosphere those glances of love, those giggles of pure joy. I captured a fleeting moment and made it immortal. The couples I photograph will show their kids, grandkids and so on. 

So thank you Nick and Helen, if it weren't for your trust in my very raw ability I wouldn't be capturing more fleeting moments. 



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